videohippos | tr

videohippos are Kevin O'Meara and Jim Triplett and their various machines. They originated in Washingon DC in late 2004. Soon after, they settled in Baltimore, Maryland where they often teamed up with the Wham City collective, known for artists such as Dan Deacon, Future Islands, Ed Schrader, Santa Dads, OCDJ, Ponytail, Dina Kelberman, Lizz King, and many others. Countless shows, tours, and collaborations with many of these artists would follow. Their live performances feature O'Meara's video projections from his drumset, singer/guitarist Triplett's awkwardly motionless stage presence, and music engulfing an audience. O'Meara was born in Maryland and enjoys tree-climbing, playing...
Bulundu 3 şarkılar, süresi: 08:48
shadow pups
bear fight