Renato Zero | tr

Renato Russo (March 27, 1960 - October 11, 1996) was the formal founder and leader of the Brazilian rock band, Legião Urbana (Urban Legion). He was born in Rio de Janeiro, as Renato Manfredini Júnior. His father was an executive of the Banco do Brasil, and they moved to New York in 1967, when Renato's father was assigned a job position on the city. Later, they came back to Rio de Janeiro before finally, in 1973, moving to Brasília. At the age of 15, Renato acquired epiphysiolysis, a disease that paralyzed his legs for two years. Due to this condition,...
Zero B Real Name: Peter Ryding Aliases: William Borez Artist became popular in the early 1990s With Rave and track named LOCK UP. .
This is an alias used by Generation Dub/ G-Dub. Adam and Jake used to be Generation Dub/ Double Zero. Now Adam is Original Sin and Jake is sub zero. .
Zeropage are the two producers Stefan Fuhrer and Frédéric Arneberg from Bern, Switzerland. They have a chilled yet bright and melodic sound incorporating both instrumental and classic electronic elements. The duo started in the early 80's, sold a few thousand CDs in the 90's, did music for film, dance and jazz in 2000. Nowadays, they meet several times a month to experiment with sounds. With their long time experience in creating electronic music, their "jam sessions" often end in fully produced songs. Zeropage work in a software only environment, producing music for open source and commercial projects. .
Count Zero is an innovative Boston band that mixes electronics, acoustic grit, strong melodies, intriguing arrangements and creative lyrics into an intense, eclectic stew of musical experimentation... and it's catchy too. It's Future Pop for the disenchanted. History Founded by three former members of the groundbreaking Boston band Think Tree, Count Zero recorded their debut CD "Affluenza" in 1996. With the addition of a full-time bassist and keyboardist, they played their first show in March of '96 at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA, and have been entertaining an expanding congregation of devoted fans ever since. Personnel Peter Moore: vocals...
Bulundu 192 şarkılar, süresi: 14:26:50
Ti porterò con me
Sia neve
Che fretta c'è
Quanto ti amo
La vacanza
Il progetto magnifico
L'eterno ultimo
Potrebbe essere Dio
Donna Donna Donna
Padre nostro
Una vita fa
La canzone di Marinella
Tu si 'na cosa grande
Dal mare
Mai più da soli
Questi anni miei
Infiniti treni
Una vita fa
La culla è vuota
Mi vendo
Mi chiamo aria
In apparenza
Dedicato a te
Ti andrebbe di cambiare il mondo?
Zero il Folle
Tutti sospesi
Figli tuoi
Svegliatevi poeti
Pazzamente amare
Mai più da soli
Un uomo è...
Immi ruah
Pizza & rock and roll
Ti stupirai
Padre nostro
Sia Neve
Pura luce