Thee Virginal Brides | tr

Black Veil Brides, California çıkışlı bir rock grubudur. Grup 2006'da kurulduğunda Brides ismini kullanıyordu. 2007 yılına gelindiğinde Sex & Hollywood ep'lerini yayınladılar. EP'deki Knives and Pens şarkısı çok tuttu ve youtube'da 26 milyon rakamını gördü. 2009 yılında grup Black Veil Brides adıyla StandBy Records ile anlaşma imzaladı. Akabinde 2010 yılında ilk ve başarılı We Stitch These Wounds albümü geldi, bu albüm ilk haftadan 10 000 kopya sattı, Billboard Independent Chart'ta 1 numaraya yükseldi. Kerrang ve Revolver dergilerinden en iyi yükselen sanatçı ödülü aldılar. İkinci albüm Set the World on Fire 2011 yılında çıktı. Scream 4 filminde kullanılması planlanan şarkılar Transformers:...
A band formed by sisters Carrie Johnson (guitar, vocals) and Libby Johnson (keyboards, vocals), along with drummer Ned Stroh and guitarist John Skehen. The band tends towards extremes in music and arrangement, well able to generate an intensely folky atmosphere on the hand, but also able to play loud when the song calls for it. Since their formation they have released two full-length albums, 22 Brides and Beaker, as well as an EP that includes new cuts, tracks from the first two albums, and a cut from a new album due (following the birth of Carrie and Libby's babies) in...
Thee Heavenly Music Association are an Anglo-American shoegaze band that formed in 2001. The band formed after frontwoman Hellen Storer, (noted for her high profile role in a London all girl punk band Fluffy) relocated to Los Angeles and met Dave Hillis. Hillis who is best known for engineering Pearl Jam’s multi-platinum Ten LP, Temple of the Dog, Alice in Chains' Would? and Sap EP's, agreed to help Storer record and engineer the project. .
Bulundu 6 şarkılar, süresi: 21:29
To Bring Famine
Is Given A Crown, Goes Forth Conquering
And All These Creatures Are Crawling & Growing
Naughty Children Go To Hell