Elephant9 | tr

Elephant9 is a Norwegian progressive jazz rock/fusion band that started in 2006 under the name Storløkken/Eilertsen/Lofthus before changing their name to Elephant9 the same year. Their music is a modern take on 70's fusion and hard rock, influenced by Miles Davis on one end and bands like Emerson, Lake & Palmer and Deep Purple on the other. The hammond driven fusion and analogue instrumental pieces drives their music into focused, structured jams, as well as pushing their music into long stretches of progressive rock in a self-assured way. The band collaborated with Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske of Dungen and The...
Bulundu 66 şarkılar, süresi: 22:26:26
Mythical River
Party Among The Stars
Heading For Desolate Wastelands
Star Cluster Detective
Solitude In Limbo #2
Cavern Of The Red Lion
Chamber of Silence
Greatest Show On Earth (2018) full
Atlantis (2012) full
DodoVoodoo (2008) full
03 I Cover the Mountain Top (2013-11-10)
Дорожка 9
05 Atlantis (2013-11-10)
Silver Mountain (2015) full
The Fifth Elephant - Part 9
Walk The Nile (2010) full
My Little Elephant
CJ Elephant Antics +9 trn
4. Aviation
01 Psychedelic Backfire (2013-11-10)
2. Mountain
Habanera Rocket
3. Dodovoodoo
Habanera Rocket (Walk The Nile 2010)
5. Afroforening
Walk The Nile (Walk The Nile 2010)
I Cover the Mountain Top
Mythical River (2024)
Aviation (Walk The Nile 2010)
Solitude In Limbo #1
Heading For Desolate Wastelands (2024)
4. Hymne
The Elephant to Hollywood 9/9
CJ Elephant Antics +9 trn (Wonderland BBS)
The Elephant to Hollywood 1/9
04 The Riddler (2013-11-10)
A Donkey and a Elephant
The Elephant to Hollywood 3/9
The Elephant to Hollywood 6/9
The Elephant to Hollywood 5/9
The Elephant to Hollywood 8/9
The Elephant to Hollywood 4/9
The Elephant to Hollywood 7/9
The Elephant to Hollywood 2/9
Party Among The Stars (2024)