The Deller Consort, Alfred Deller | tr

Argentina-born Alfredo Fiorito is a celebrated international club DJ. As resident DJ at Ibiza’s Amnesia Club in the mid-late 80s he pioneered the eclectic mix of music that came to define the Balearic Sound. .
Bulundu 10 şarkılar, süresi: 02:45:20
Air, “I Care Not For These Ladies"
The Three Ravens / The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies
William Cornyshe: Hoyda, jolly rutterkin
William Lawes: Bess black
The Sally Gardens (text: William Butler Yeats)
William Cornyshe: Ah, Robin
Guillaume de Machaut: Messe Notre-Dame: Gloria
(The Deller Consort, Alfred Deller) Amicus meus
Messe à 3 Voix (Alfred Deller & Deller Consort)