Grampian Horn | tr

THE BACK HORN is a rock band, formed in Tokyo, Japan in 1998. The band got started around April in 1998, when the original members all came to Tokyo from the countryside where they all lived, all for different reasons. They met, and decided to start a band. First called Gyorai, they soon changed their name to The Back Horn. This name was based on Matsuda's misreading of the "backhoe" he used in his construction work. From the beginning, one of the features of the band was a harsh sound and lyrics dealing with decadence and destruction, war, peace, isolation,...
Founded in 1983, Damien Thorne consistently packed venues, and astonished crowds with their powerful and aggressive style of Heavy Metal. After two hard years of proving themselves to be among the elite on the Chicago club scene, the band landed a recording contract with CobraA&M/RoadRunner Records. Following the release of their debut album: (The Sign of the Jackal) in 1986, the band set out on a successful tour playing with bands such as NUCLEAR ASSAULT, FASTWAY and many others. Heavy radio airplay and strong record sales in Europe, Canada and Asia ensured the band's success, along with a very favorable...
30 Haziran 1917 dogumlu olan Horne, New York, Brooklyn dogumludur.1934´te Cotton Club´da dansci olarak sahne almaya baslamistir. Ayni siralarda Cab Calloway orkestrasinda sarki da söylemektedir. 1941´de Teddy Wilson ile Café Society´de sahne almis olan Horne ertesi sene MGM ile bir sözlesme imzalar. Sözlesmenin cok ilginc bir kosulu vardir; Genellikle siyahi sanatcilari oynagi cocuk bakiciligi gibi rolleri de oynamasi gerekmesi halinde itiraz etme hakkinin olmamasidir.Ikinci Dünya Savasi´ndan sonra Ingiltere, Belcika ve Fransa gibi ülkelerde sahne almistir. En son 1947´de Fransa´da evlenip Amerika´ya dönen Lena, komunizm sempatizani olarak görüldügü icin kisa süre sonra Avrupa´ya geri dönmüs ve yedi yilini orada gecirmistir. Önemli...
Bark Hide and Horn is a four-man rock orchestra hailing from Portland, Oregon. The boys create a full, dynamic sound that, within any song, can shift from soft, haunted folk to loud, raucous blues, with hints of indie-rock, country, gospel, and mariachi escaping in between. Many of their songs are like short stories, with characters lifted from the pages of old National Geographic magazines. Their world is populated by rebellious insects, love-lorn tree snails, enraged grizzly bears, and the naturalists who love them. From these unusual perspectives, classic themes of American music are given new life. .
Bulundu 29 şarkılar, süresi: 02:17:13
Dr. Grinspoon
Grampian Mountains
McCracken's Hornpipe
Vivo Sonhnado
Gasping Glade - Grown
Grape Trick
Galway Hornpipe - Eugene Stratton
The Grunge
Rhythmic Hornet
granny and her old rocket (with Lee Jin Ah)
March of the Cranes
Giant Trees
Got The Horns