DJ Morph | tr

Hollanda'da 1989 kurulmuş bir Old School Death Metal grubu. Ferry Damen(vokal/gitar), Marco Stubbe (davul) ve Vincent v Boxtel (gitar) ile yola koyuldular. 1990'da aralarına Marc v Stiphout (bass) katıldı ve kadro tamamlandı. 4 parçalık ilk demo olan "Bowel Mutilation", 1992'de RS29 Waalwijk'de kaydedildi ve prodüktörlüğünde Oscar Holeman vardı. Lats Varga prodüktörlüğünde ise "Necromantic Love Songs - EP " yayınlandı. 1993'te yayınlanan EP, Blackened Recordings etiketiyle piyasaya sürüldü. 1995'te "I have My Way" adlı demoları yine Lats Varga prodüktörlüğünde kaydedildi. 1997'de ismi duyulan demoları "Vibrator" Amsterdam'da Yland Studio'larında kaydedildi. 1998'da "Pure" adlı CD'leri Ross Doytchinov önderliğinde Studio33'te kaydedildi ve DM Records...
There are two bands named Morpheme: 1) Dean Garcia Shoegaze 2) Punk 1) Morpheme is a project formed in 2010 by Dean Garcia (Curve), Perry Pelonero (Clenched Fist, Skylight, Bliss.City.East), and Kim Welsh (Skylight, Bliss.City.East). They play droney shoegaze and are sometimes referred to as The Project Morpheme although the correct name is officially Morpheme. On December 8, 2010, Morpheme released their first track, Infection and on May 5, 2011, they released their second track, Stratosphere on their debut INFECTION // SINGLE was initially available for FREE via Morpheme's Official Bandcamp as a promotional. The RED DOG EP and the...
Metamorphosis refers to at least four bands: A Peruvian hardcore/punk group, a Czech-Austrian avant-garde punk act, an early 80s electronic/proto-ebm project and a swiss ProgRock Band. Metamorphosis (1) is a defunct post-hardcore/punk band formed in Lima, Peru. The band consisted of vocalist Garzo, bassist Paul, guitarist Renzo, drummer Alex, and guitarist Gonzalo. The bands roots reach back in 1996, when they began writing and performing around Lima, having good acceptance in the underground scene of this city. In 1997 the band shared scenary with bands like Asmereir, Wreck, Futuro Incierto, Decisión Final, Psicosis, Katarsis, and so on.. They stopped playing...