The Blinded | tr

Formed several Years ago Blinded released 2 full length albums and toured extensively across Canada. After taking a break we relocated to Kelowna and added a fifth member, and new Singer Andrew Avril. With the new line-up change we progressed from a Skatepunk style to a more original Modern Alternative Rock style. We no longer tour but have slowly produced and released some new work including a heartwarming narrated christmas story called Santa's Note ( We've recorded several new songs at Flying Monkey Studios with the Great Travis Saunders. All of our songs, news and information about us can be...
Blinded Black was a six-piece pop-punk/post-hardcore band from St. Louis, Missouri. After forming in 1999, when the youngest member (Jake Rohlmann) was just twelve, the group self-released their debut album and began touring both locally and around the Midwest. After success on the internet with sites such as MySpace and Absolute Punk, the group signed with SideCho Records and began working with producer Marc McClusky. Their latest album, Under the Sunrise, was released February 27, 2007 on SideCho Records; following its release the band toured with LoveHateHero and Vanna.[1] The band have just dropped out of the Artery Tour, which...
The story of Blinded Rain began in 2004 when Kaide, the guitar player and singer of Blinded Rain, found himself wondering what to do with the bunch of songs he had written. Songs did not fit to the style of existing band and after a few seconds thinking the answer was clear. As the outcome the first line-up of Blinded Rain (Kaide, Tapsu on drums, J. Partanen on bass) was recording the first Blinded Rain album Time ? already in the beginning of 2005. After having made the Time ? the vision of Blinded Rain´s music became more clear and...
In the summer of 2010, the band formerly known as Blinded Colony reformed as "The Blinded" with two new singers. Joel, a long time friend to members of the band, took on the clean vocals and brought growler Johnny with him. The band recorded an EP with six brand new songs over the summer to show off the new line-up. The sound is familiar to the bands earlier work, but heavier, more powerful and with a stronger sense of melody. More determined than ever, The Blinded is currently writing new tracks and looking for a suitable home for their upcoming...
Blinded Colony is currently known as The Blinded. BIO: Sweden has given birth to some of the best heavy metal over the years, and Blinded Colony will be the next to follow in those footsteps. Along with The Haunted, Soilwork, and In Flames, Blinded Colony is the representation of the next breed of aggressive metal. With adrenaline-laced guitar rhythms, atmospheric synthesizers, and ripping vocals, Blinded Colony creates a distinguished harmonic aggression that hits you harder than a Chuck Norris roundhouse-kick-to-the-face. Formed in January 2000, by guitarists, Johan Blomström, Tobias Olsson and original vocalist Niklas Svensson, Blinded Colony was known as...