Adrenal | tr

There are three band's know by the name Adrenaline; 1.) Adrenaline A furious, high energy, intense four piece metal band hailing from the West Midlands, England. Since their formation in 2003 they have continued to evolve, develop, and mature into a metal band with an awesome prowess and crushingly heavy sound. Their ferocious blend of music is brutally administered by the intense & aural bludgeoning of vocalist, Dave. The engine is fuelled by the powerful, riff laden, driving musicianship of Nick on guitars coupled with the tight and solid rhythm section, held together by Higgsy on drums, and the thunderous...
Adrenal was founded over a year ago, as Emmanuel's and Nara's side project to their band Akasha. For more Information check: Herman (ex Castalia) also was part of the original line up, and then Alberto (December's Cold Winter.singer) joined the project. Finally, to complete the line up, Diego (ex Razas Ocultas) joined the band in late 2006, and then the band started to work on 100% original material. Later on in 2007 Allen Pinkay(ex December's Cold Winter) also joined the line up to include keys and programming. On late 2008, Nara left the band, and Norman Mena came in to...
It would appear that there is more than one group called Adrenalin, Wikipedia makes very light mention in a stub of a Turkish girl band. Adrenalin is also a male band who recorded The Road Of The Gypsy from the Iron Eagle soundtrack. There was also a metal band from Halifax, Canada, named Adrenalin. There's also one called Adrenalin from Germany which is a solo project from Endstufe. There is also a rap/rock band from Dubbo, Australia called Adrenalin. Adrenalin was also a swedish punk band. Their only known recording appeared on the 1983 compilation LP "Vägra för helvete"....
B O B O T A D R E N A L I N E B I O ONE OF THE TOP RECORDS OF 2008 "...beat pounding and harmonizing from track to track." - Big Wheel Magazine "Bobot Adrenaline play Radio Tikrit and they must have taken inspiration from Rock and Roll Radio by the Ramones and updated it to today's insane world scene. Kind of a funny beat and a screaming talker lead singer who is telling it like it is. Ok, it did remind us of Holiday in Cambodia a little bit too. Very old skool punk." -...
Malthe Mehlskov, aka Adrenalize is the definition of being a rising star. Born in the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark in 1996 makes him the youngest artist in the Scantraxx roster. Malthe was only 10 when he began to play around with a few simple music-making programs, and his passion for music has grown ever since. When everybody else was playing computer games he was putting samples together. The first tracks were produced in co-operation with his brother, but now Adrenalize is ready to show You what he is made of. The dream is to prove that hardstyle is his call,...