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Bathory, İsveçli black metal grubu. 1984 yılında İsveçte Quorthon takma isimli Tomas Forsberg tarafından tarafından kurulmuştur.Müzikal anlamda Venom ve Celtic Frost thrash metale daha yakındırlar müzikal anlamda en büyük katkıyı Bathory yapmıştır. Bathory 1985'den sonra hiç konser vermemiştir.Bu tarihten önceki konserleriyse küçük gruplara verilmiştir. Bünyesinde birçok black / thrash grubunu barındıran Blackmark Productions'un patronu Quorthon'un babasıdır. Nitekim tüm Bathory albümleri Blackmark Productions etiketiyle piyasaya sürülmüştür. Bathory black metalin ortaya çıkmasında pay sahibi olduğu kadar aynı zamanda "Blood Fire Death" albümüyle viking metalin de öncü gruplarından olduğu bilinmektedir. Grubun frontmanı Quorthon'un 2000 yılında Lake Of Tears vokalisti ile birlikte Silverwing adlı...
Founded in 1983, Damien Thorne consistently packed venues, and astonished crowds with their powerful and aggressive style of Heavy Metal. After two hard years of proving themselves to be among the elite on the Chicago club scene, the band landed a recording contract with CobraA&M/RoadRunner Records. Following the release of their debut album: (The Sign of the Jackal) in 1986, the band set out on a successful tour playing with bands such as NUCLEAR ASSAULT, FASTWAY and many others. Heavy radio airplay and strong record sales in Europe, Canada and Asia ensured the band's success, along with a very favorable...
In the blues world, a big voice is often accompanied by a big ego (or at least a medium sized one…) But the Danish singer Thorbjørn Risager, praised for his rough and strong voice by an unanimous choir of critics from a growing number of countries – 15 the last time we counted them - is a soft-spoken gentleman off stage. He is the leader of his seven-piece band mainly for practical reasons – to bring any little issue into a group discussion can be quite time-consuming. He is also composing most of the band’s music, and during the performance...