Inquisitor | tr

1) Inquistor is a Lithuanian Melodic Black Metal band with Progressive and Avant-Garde influences. Having its symphonic roots back in 2002 nowadays Inquisitor is an entity looking for an organic junction of challenging rhythmic, harsh riffing and passionate melodic passages to bring a message from the treasury of history of ideas and whole mankind overall. Discography: They released demo album “Prelude” in 2005 First full-length album "The Quantum Theory of Id" is released in 2010. Accompanied with interactive website: In 2014 a two-part album Clinamen | Episteme is released. It includes six tracks that combine harsh and blasting guitar...
Metal Inquisitor originated in the beginning of 1998, as Blumi and Witchhammer decided, to call a real Heavy Metal-Band into life. A short time later they found KronoS (Bass) and El Rojo at the vocal cords, as suitable comrade-in-arms. Middle of 1998 they retreated for a few weekends into their rehearsal room, in order to record three songs on four tracks, which was brought out in form of a demo tape. In 1999 they went to the nostalgic eight-track-studio "Overhead Project" of Joerg "Walli" Walldorf in Koblenz (Germany), in order to record two songs for a single, which in March...