Pentakill (RIOT) | tr

Pentakill is a metal band initially referred to in the MOBA game League of Legends, created by Riot Games Inc. The style could be described as a mix of Power Metal and Heavy Metal, although some songs are representative of styles such as orchestral ("Orb Of Winter") and electronic/industrial ("The Hex Core"). Within the video game lore, the members are: Karthus - Vocals Olaf - Drums Mordekaiser - Guitar Yorick - Bass Sona - Keyboard All members reside on Valoran, a continent on the fictional world of Runeterra. For the release of the band's debut album, the contributors are: Christian...
Bulundu 21 şarkılar, süresi: 01:25:35
Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder
Last Whisper
Deathfire Grasp
Mortal reminder (Riot)
Tear of the Goddess
Orb Of Winter
The Bloodthirster
The Hex Core
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter – Last Stand
The Prophecy
Lightbringer Rington