Árstíðir (Arstidir) | tr

Árstíðir is a folk band from Iceland. Formed in the wake of the 2008 stock market crash, they found themselves catapulted to the top of the Icelandic music charts within six months of their debut album Árstíðir, and then forged ahead with their 2010 tour despite a volcanic eruption that stalled global travel. In 2012, Árstíðir was the first Icelandic band to ever win the Eiserner Eversteiner European Folk Music Award (in Plauen, Germany) and were scheduled to play the prestigious TFF Rudolstadt festival in July 2013. While on tour in Germany that year, an impromptu performance of “Heyr himna...
The idea to approach medieval Icelandic literature in a musically and lyrically sophisticated way gave birth to Árstíðir lífsins (The Seasons of Life) which was founded by Stefán (Kerbenok) in 2008. Due to his earlier experiences, Black Metal was chosen as the musical form, although traditional Folk as well as Ambient were to be incorporated right from the beginning. Though Metal and Folk are the most dominant musical influences in the music of Árstíðir lífsins, several other forms also add their qualities to the final result. Music and lyrics are tightly interwoven and change continously, closely following the story told....
Bulundu 148 şarkılar, süresi: 22:48:14
Ljóð í sand
Orð að eigin vali
You just have to know of me
Hvítir hjǫrvar Heimdalls aldraðra fjallgylða
Stormr, hvítundit grand grundar gjálfrs
Nauð greyprs élreka
Ofsaveðrsgnýr ber auma bústaði
Fyrsta fǫnnin fellr úr hátunnu regns
Nú er lengstu miskunndir dalreyðar ná hátindi
Nu gleymist eg
Knǫrr siglandi birtisk á lǫngu bláu yfirborði
Árstíðir Lífsins / Vindsvalarmál
Later On
The Wave
Nivalis (2018)
Sundvǫrpuðir Ok Áraþytr
live at Obninsk
Síðasta kveðjan
Sem járnklær nætr dragask nærri
Morðbál Á flugi Ok Klofin Mundriða Hjól
Sem járnklær nætr dragask nærri
Líf Á Milli Aveinandi Bloðkerta
Heyr, Himna Smiður (feat.Árstíðir)
Blóð-Þorsteinn eystri
Scarborough Fair
Stǫng óð Gylld Fyr Gǫngum Ræfi
Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
Þeir heilags dóms hirðar
Haldi Oss Frá Eldi, Eilífr Skapa Deilir
Aldafǫðr ok Munka Dróttinn (Full Album)
Er hin gullna stjarna skýjar slóðar rennr rauð
Kastar Heljar Brenna Fjarri Ofan Ǫnundarfirðinum
A medan jordin sefur
Hvers Viðar Bani (Aldrnari, 2020)
Live on Český rozhlas Ostrava
Ék sé framtíð í ísa broti
Heljarkviða II: Helgrindr brotnar
Samkoma um sumar var sett á Þingeyri