Помогалов, Михаил#3 | tr

Михаил Круг (Mikhail Krug) was a Russian chanson singer. Mikhail Vladimirovitch Krug (Vorobyev) was born April 7, 1962 in Tver's old region called Frost Town, which is now called the Square of the Proletariat, about which he wrote the song "My Dear City." Mikhail wrote the first of his poems at age 14, which he dedicated to one of his classmates. Mikhail wrote his first album, Tver's Streets,in the Tver studios, then he wrote his second album, Katya, and third album, which was nameless, but none of them were released; they were stolen and distributed by pirates. .
Mikhail Boyarsky (Михаил Боярский); born December 26, 1949 in Leningrad, currently Saint Petersburg) is a Russian actor and singer, currently living in the city of Saint Petersburg. He is most known and loved for the role of d'Artagnan in a Russian version of The Three Musketeers (1978) and its sequels (1992, 1993). He was also a popular singer of the 1980's and completed several tours. (wikipedia) .
Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky (April 13, 1948, Moscow) is a pop Russian singer, citizen of the USA. He is the pre-eminent current singer of Russian chanson music. Shufutinsky finished a music school majoring in accordion and graduated from the Music College named after Ippolitova-Ivanova with specialization coryphaeus. He appeared with different bands in Moscow’s and Magadan’s restaurants (with Alexander Vertinsky's and Petr Leschenko’s songs), later became leader of the instrumental band "Leisia Pesnia" which usually played Viacheslav Dobrynin’s songs. In 1981 he and his family immigrated to the USA. During 10 years he had appeared with different bands in different restaurants,...
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