Norma Waterson - The Very Thought of You (1999) | tr

Every Little Thing (ELT to fans) were formed in 1996 by Igarashi Mitsuru, then a producer at Japanese record label Avex Trax. It originally was a three-piece group consisting of Igarashi, Itou Ichiro and Mochida Kaori. Their debut album, everlasting reached #1 and sold over 2 million copies throughout Japan. Following that, their second album, Time to Destination ended up selling over 3.5 million copies in Japan, making it the best selling album from the band and also becoming the 10th best selling album in Japan. After the release of their third album eternity in 2000, Igarashi left to produce...
Everything is a pop/rock band from Virginia. They were most active in the mid to late '90s and early '00s. The band was formed in 1990 by students at James Madison University. Going on the road full time in '92, they played 200-250 shows a year for nearly the next 10 years, starting in the mid-Atlantic, and then gradually expanding their grass roots fan base until it extended across half of the U.S. The band released its first 3 albums independently, selling almost 30,000 cds before signing a brief and ill-fated deal with Capricorn Records in 1995. Larger scale success...
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Everybody (sometimes also typed Every Body or Every-body) is the solo project of Carson Mcwhirter (of The Advantage, and Hella), based Sacramento, CA. He performs with drums, a piano, guitar, and a bass. He has been known to play solo improvisational shows, or with a full band. His style is extremely eclectic, and makes for an extremely exhilarating live performance. Everything EVERYBODY does is exquisitely mathematical. He probably got an A+ in calculus. EVERYBODY has released the first full-length album on Lost Lamp records in early January '08. It's titled, 'None of...
The Bravery is an alternative rock band with electronic influences, formed in New York City in 2003. Their musical style has been compared to The Strokes, New Order and The Killers, amongst others. They are best known for three songs - 2005's "An Honest Mistake", 2007's "Time Won't Let Me Go" and 2008's "Believe". The band consists of Sam Endicott (vocals, guitar), Michael Zakarin (guitar), John Conway (keyboard), Mike Hindert (bass) and Anthony Burulcich (drums). Their HQ is on the corner of Mott and Broome, on the edge of New York's Chinatown. Push through the graffiti-ed door, clamber up the...
1962 doğumlu İngiliz müzisyen Tracey Thorn, müzik yaşantısına Marine Girls adlı grupla başladı. Bu grupla 1981 senesinde “Beach Party” ve 1982 senesinde “Lazy Ways” adlı albümlerde çalışan Thorn, grubun dağılmasından sonra Everything But The Girl grubuna zaman ayırmaya karar verdi. Ben Watt ve Tracey Thorn ikilisinden oluşan Everything But The Girl, 1982 senesinde kuruldu. Her iki üyenin de solo artist olarak Cherry Red Records ile anlaşmasından sonra, ilk albümleri “Eden” 1984 senesinde yayınlandı. Grup, gerçek başarısını 1994 senesinde çıkardıkları albüm “Amplified Heart”ta bulunan “Missing” adlı parça ile yakaladı. DJ Todd Terry’nin parçayı remixlemesinden sonra tüm dünyaya ismini duyurmayı başaran grup,...
Bulundu 11 şarkılar, süresi: 40:27