Hakan Can | tr

Almanya'da doğan ve 1981 yılında İstanbul'a taşınan Hakan Kurşun lise yıllarında değişik müzik kumpanyaları ile konserler verdi. 1988 yılında yüksek öğrenim için Viyana'ya giderek Ses mühendisliği okudu. Daha sonra Varşova'ya taşındı ve Polonya'nın o dönem önde gelen sanatçılarıyla çalma ve çalışma fırsatı buldu. 1996 yilinda yayinlanan "Kaos" isimli albümüyle adini duyuran Hakan Kursun, yedi yillik aradan sonra, söz ve müzigi kendisine ait olan 15 sarkilik zengin bir albüm olan "Kütle" ile geri döndü. Türkiye’nin sayili müzisyenlerinden biri olan ve ilk albümünde tüm enstrümanlari kendisi çalan Hakan Kursun, kütleyi elektro akustik bir albüm olarak tanimliyor. Kaos un devami niteligini, deneysel zenginliklerle...
Håkan Lidbo is probably one of the more prolific and diverse producers the electronic music scene has ever witnessed, having released more than 100 records in just under fifteen years. From early experiments in the studio and original homemade releases to becoming one of the most creative and sought after producers in the worlds of techno, electro and house, he has notched up varied releases across a wide spectrum of labels, including the likes of Feis, Chalant, Force Tracks, Frogman, Pokerflat, Plastic City, Lasergun and countless more. One explanation for this spread is the sheer breadth of music his range...
Hakan is one of the greatest Kurdish players of tembûr. He lives by himself in Greece and co-operates regularly with the great names in the world of music in Greece. He has a rich discography and has participated in various concerts and TV programs. .
Håkan Hellström, born 2 April 1974, is a Swedish singer from Gothenburg, located on the Swedish west coast. He was formerly known as a member in the groups Honey is Cool (with Karin Dreijer, later in The Knife, now Fever Ray) and Broder Daniel. He made his big break-through in Sweden in the year 2000 with the song "Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg" ("Feel no sorrow for me, Gothenburg"). Håkan has recently released his seventh album, Det kommer aldrig va över för mig. Håkan played drums in the Swedish indiepop band Broder Daniel 1988-94, and he played the bass...