Lighters | tr

The Moonlighters, a 1920s & '30s jazz-themed group fronted by Bliss Blood, formed in 1998. The Moonlighters have released 4 cds on their own label, Onliest Records, and released a 5th cd on WorldSound Records on July 14, 2009, and have toured Germany four times. Current lineup of the band includes Bliss Blood on ukulele and vocals, Cindy Ball on vocals and guitar, Raphael McGregor on steel guitar, and Rus Wimbish on bass. .
When the Highlighters first started playing together in the early ’60s, they didn’t have James Bell on vocals or Dewayne Garvin on drums. They were just another jazz group gigging in the back room after band practice at Crispus Attucks High School. It wasn’t long before the group decided to call themselves the Highlighters. “Our name came about because Clifford Ratliff had a couple of older brothers. They used to go out and party and in those days they used to call it highlighting,” says saxophonist Clifford Palmer Jr. Rhythm and blues was the newest sound and it was quickly...
The Twilighters - Nothing Can Bring Me Down. This Waco, Texas group only released this one single. Directly on the border of psych/punk and later sixties heavy rock, the Twilighters had definitely heard and been influenced by Cream/Hendrix, but manages to keep their roots in the garage sound. It's one of those 60s punk rock/psych tracks that fully justifies the rest of the genre. This song is 2:18 of churning wah-wah, flailing motion with ugly drug paranoia; "Well my mind is so messed up, nothing can bring me down, Nothing is strong enough, to save me now...". The B side...
Marty McFly is the fictional character played by Michael J. Fox in the 1985 movie "Back To The Future". The Starlighters were the band Michael's character played with during the prom scenes near the end of the movie. The Starlighters were Harry Waters Jr (Marvin Berry - Chuck Berry's cousin), Tommy Thomas, Granville "Danny" Young, David Harold Brown and Lloyd L. Tolbert. Source: The International Movie Database .