Strops | tr

In November 2006 there suddenly was the newly formed StropStrikkers with their first album "Kermis in de Hel" (Funfair in Hell). The Hip-Hip group from Utrecht made deep impact within the Dutch Hip-Hop scene with their raw grimy style and street orientated lyrics. The unknown group from the Ondiep district impressed many with their energetic live shows and won the music competition "The Clash Of The Titans" in April 2007. This brought them even more attention and invitations to Geinbeat, Bevrijdingsfestival Utrecht and a place in the finals of the "Grote Utrechtse Live Prijs". Not long after the group won...
Contemporary corporative media have a tendency to arrest society's attention and when it is captured - infect it. This is an ideal environment for cultivating phobias and panic, when the infected individual gets in contact with environment, which doesn't correspond to the coded standards of security. STROPS (bee - hive) is occupied with breaking these codes, using the unused arms of media arsenal for creating new space, where these arms are turned against their creators. lineup: Stropu Jurka Arkls years active: 1998-2008 .