Renacer | tr

There are more than one group with this name: a) After musical differences split the band IMPERIO in the middle of the year 2001. They just had reached a high rank in the national Metal scene! Singer Christian Bertoncelli (earlyer in HORCAS, and one of the most remarkable and best vocalists in Argentina) and guitar player Gustavo Gorosito formed after the split RENACER, and started immediatly to write own songs. But the guitarist left the project soon, and Juan Pablo Kirberg from ALEGORY took the job! The new drummer became Jorge Perini, from the very first line up of IMPERIO...
Continuo Renacer is a Progressive Death Metal band with jazz touches from Basque Country, Spain. In the beginning, Continuo Renacer was a Death Metal band, but the last changes has modified their style to achieve a sound like Cynic, Atheist or Acid Death. .