Tremors | tr

There is more than one artist with this name: 1. Tremors are a hardcore-punk band from London, UK, featuring ex-members of Dirty Money, Fashion and TAT. 2. Tremors was an Indie-Pop East London 4 Piece. They were together from 2005 - 2008. They released a single 'World Won't Stop' on the 22nd September 2008, via Marionett Records. 3 members of Tremors now play in a band called Bonoestente. 3. Tremors is a south German atmospheric death rock metal band. They released three CDs (Forlorn Souls, Recurrent Creation, Klyst). For more informations check out: 4) The Tremors...
1. The Tremors are a high-octane Rockabilly riot. Their dedication to the musical roots of Rock'N'Roll comes through in every whipsaw atomic blast. A night with The Tremors is a hell-bent chicken-run through the greatest music in American history -- Rockabilly -- The hybrid of Blues and Country that became Rock'N'Roll and changed the world. Through passionate research and exploration into Rock'N'Roll history, the band has assembled the finest and most legendary songs of the 1950's. Throw in some of their own rockin' original material and you've got Rockabilly as pure, authentic, and strong as Tennessee sour mash. Eugene Chadbourne,...
Violet Tremors are an anomalous oscillation on the Seismometer. Jessica White & Lorene Simpson are no longer active as Violet Tremors as of can check out their new projects here: Lorene - synths & beats L-SEDITION - Jessica - vocals nonviolet - .