Sandhan | tr

Sandhan started his ever-changing musical career at the age of 15, as a keyboard player in a rock band. He continued to be a keyboard player in several jazz and jazz-rock bands. After studying music in Graz, Austria, he left all music traditions behind to play free jazz in various bands in Berlin. In summer '81 Sandhan travelled to India for the first time and went into deep experiences of meditation. The close contact with the Indian music culture widened his understanding of music. Through the interaction of sound and silence he developed a very individual style of music that...
Bulundu 21 şarkılar, süresi: 01:39:21
The End
My Beauty
Summer Rain
Leo's Audience
Home of the Cancer
My Beauty
Sunflower Melodies
Capricorn- Guardian of Truth
Virgo- Angel of Purity
Just for you
Times of Celebration
Times Of Celebration
Hearts on Holiday
Out of Silence
Scorpio's Mystery
Taurus Morning Walk
Clouds of Happiness 悟
Clouds of Happiness