Secret+discovery | tr

Norveç'li kompozitör piyanist Rolf Lovland ve İrlanda'lı kemancı Fionnuala Sherry tarafından 1994'te kurulmuş 3 üyeli, Norveçli bir gruptur. 1995'te yapılan 40. Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması'nda "Nocturne" isimli şarkının Norveççe versiyonunu (çünkü o yıllarda dil serbestliği yoktu...) seslendirerek, 140 puanla 1. olmuştur. New age veya neo-klasik tarzda müzik yapmaktadır. Secret Garden'in tüm şarkılarının bestecisi Rolf Løvland, Norveç Kristiansand'ta dünyaya geldi, 6 yaşında ilk bestelerini yapmaya başladı, hayatı boyunca en büyük tutkusu müzik oldu, konservatuvarı bitirdikten sonra Oslo'da Norveç müzik enstitüsünde master yaptı. Kemancı Fionnuala Sherry'in müzik tutkusu daha çok genç yaşlarda ailesi tarafından farkedildi, İrlanda'da müzik için gittiği Trinity College'yi şeref listesinde...
Official Secrets Act were an indie rock band from London. They formed in 2007. They split in 2009, with some members moving on to Citizens! The lineup consisted of: Thomas Charge Burke - Guitar and sings Alexander Dunlop Mackenzie - Drums and sings Lawrence James Diamond - Bass and sings Michael Andrew Evans - Guitars, harmonium and Roland .
Secret Pyramid is the solo project of Vancouver-based musician Amir Abbey. .
Secret Square was an early side project of Apples in Stereo drummer and vocalist Hilarie Sidney. The duo comprised of Sidney and Lisa Janssen, who played bass on the Neutral Milk Hotel album On Avery Island. They had two releases, both self-titled, under the Elephant Six banner. .
There are at least three bands called Discovery. 1) Discovery is a collaboration of Ra Ra Riot’s Wes Miles and Vampire Weekend’s Rostam Batmanglij. Some of the songs are sung by Wes, some are sung by Rostam, and some are sung by the two of them together. Their first album, appropriately and simply dubbed "LP" came out on XL on the 7th of July 2009. 2) Discovery is a funk/prog pop duo from Brooklyn, NY, that released an LP in 2010 and has been featured in many major NYC music publications. 3) Discovery was a short-living Czech eurobeat/eurodance band. In...