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Stéphane Sanseverino, born in 1962, traces his Italian origins back to his grandparents, a pair of enterprising Neapolitans who emigrated to France in the 1950s. Stéphane's father, a plumber by trade, chose to work in the paper industry so that he could travel with his family. And thus it was that, between the age of three and sixteen, young Stéphane travelled the world with his parents, sampling the very different cultures of countries such as Bulgaria, New Zealand, Yugoslavia and Mexico. At the age of twenty, Stéphane decided his future lay on the stage. The only problem was deciding which...
The San Marinos are a Stockholm-based indie pop duo, consisting of Anna and Daniel. .
ORINOKO was a dance-act created by timo maas, Andy Bolleshon & Martin Buttrich in 1998. They released a couple of singles between 1997-2001. Their best and most successful tune was "Mama Konda", followed by "Vila Nova" and "Island". The project split up in 2001. .
There are a few artists and bands with the same name sharing this profile: 1. A late 80's British metal band. 2. A French punk rock band from Lyon. .