Grup Vitamin | tr

Grupo Niche is one of the world's best known salsa and cumbia groups from Colombia and it enjoys great popularity throughout Latin America. It was formed in 1980 by Jairo Varela, who became producer, director, songwriter, vocalist and guiro player. It also included Nicolas Cristanelo, on the piano; Alexis Lozano, on the trombone; Francisco Garcia, on the bass; Luis Pacheco, on the congas; as well as vocalists Jorge Bassam and Hector Viveros. Grupo Niche's first album: "Al Pasito" was released that same year, 1980, and placed their native Colombia in a modest position in the salsa world. "Querer Es Poder"...
Riga, Latvia 2002 - 2004 .
This is probably one of the most successful band of Samba Pagode in Brazil, some of their great songs include Ze do caraco, Na palma da mao or Coracao Radiante. .
Die Funkhausgruppe are: - Hertzinfarkt - Die Perlen - Sonnenbrandt - Welle: Erdball .
Bulundu 124 şarkılar, süresi: 08:30:12
Al Aşkını Sok Gözüneee
Genc Olmak
Yeni Nesil
Türkiş Kovboylarrr
Lumpen Rap
Ah Be Guzelim
Acaba Bu Ne Baba Be
Fatosh (BRB)
Özgün Müzik (ozgun muzik)
Cep Telefonu (BRB)
Bol Vitamin
CanLar SagoLsun (sağolsun)
Törkiş Kovboylarrr (Damat Takımı OST)
Yakışır mı (yakisir mi)
Elalarini (elalarını)
Rap Vitamin
Grup Vitamin - Takmayacaksn
Turkish Cowboys
Deli Dolu
grup vitamin - arabesk dinliyorum kaslarim çatik
İsmail 2
Kurban Olayım
Ismail (BRB)
Aşkın Gözyaşları (askin gozyaslari)
Seviyora (BRB)
Acı Feryat
Kulbasti (BRB)