The Oxfam Glamour Models | tr

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In a culture of people obsessed with shit celebritys and a town where heroin is the cheapest in the UK, where laddism wasn't a phase but a way of life, where casual racism breezes by beneath a Chemical Skyline. Teessides own big mouthed Rock 'n' Roll superbastards, The Oxfam Glamour Models are exploding with the kind of rent-a-quote "everything else is shit" soundbites that nascent careers are made of.

The Oxfam Glamour Models dont come from Sheffield, dont smoke crack, and dont wear silly hats. The Oxfam Glamour Models dont love New York, dont listen to Duran Duran and dont make disco music for Topshops changing rooms.

They do however armed with battered copies of Suedes debut record and the entire back catalogue of The Fall, turn up to gigs in a clapped out Volvo Estate. They climb on the bar and throw their instruments at each other, the audience and most importantly a hand full of dirty arsed indie punk chewns for 30minutes.

The debut single, released on April 10th through Marquis cha cha Kick out the grams is a snide attack on the desperateness of coking teenagers who become walking Dohertys at the weekend for no other reason than to see what the crack is and its possibly the best postmodern punk noise freakout single since Blurs popscene.

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