Miss Behaviour | tr

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The story of Miss Behaviour goes back to 2003. Keyboard player Henrik Sproge and guitarist Erik Heikne were both studying Music Management at the Baltic Business School in Kalmar, Sweden, when the idea of Miss Behaviour first came up. With a great passion for 80′s melodic hard rock and AOR, they decided to start the band to express their vision of how a modern rock band, inspired by the great bands of the eighties should sound.
The first Miss Behaviour songs where written in a student apartment in Kalmar in late 2003 and ended up at the 3-song EP “Give us the world”. Since day one in the history of Miss Behaviour there was a focus on writing rather simple, melodic songs with big choruses as opposed to technical and heavy music that seemed to be on everyone’s mind at the time. Miss Behavior worked –and still do with producer/technician Daniel Gese who had a career as drummer/producer with his 80’s metal/sleaze band “Pole Position” in the late 80s/early 90s.

The song writing and the driving force behind Miss Behaviour has always been the duo consisting of keyboard player Henrik Sproge and guitarist Erik Heikne. Along the way there had been many changes of the line-up. “ To me it’s absolutely necessary that everyone in the band has the same burning ambition and focus as me and Henrik, I never do anything half-hearted and I don’t expect anyone else in the band to give anything but 100%” states guitarist and co-founder Erik Heikne.

This “mantra” led to various changes in the line-up after the debut album “Heart of Midwinter”, released in 2006. “We spent a lot of time and put great thought in to finding the perfect line-up for the follow up album”, says Henrik. The result was recruiting the new lead singer Sebastian Roos and drummer/multi-musician Anders Berlin. “Sebastian and Anders added a new dimension to the band, both extremely skilled and talented with great ambition and a will to leave a mark”, says Erik. This is definitely a line-up for the future!

Along the years Miss Behaviour has performed live together with bands such as Sabaton, H.E.A.T and The Poodles. In spring 2010 they competed in Swedish national radio with the song “Till we meet again”, making the première live performance with the current lineup in front of 200000 radio listeners. In autumn 2010 Miss Behavior signed to the record company Avenue of Allies for the release of “Last Woman Standing”. .

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