Karima Skalli | tr

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Karima Skalli… a voice…  
And the enchantment of a talent

  The smoothness  by no means has address if not among the elected officials of art, the  elected officials of which a voice that enchant so much by her velvety stamp as by the delicacy that  emanates from it… the voice of  the Moroccan professional singer Karima Skalli.

  This diva of the Moroccan song succeeded to infiltrate , gently but well strongly, in an artistic  Arabic space similar to a minefield as well by the difficulties of infiltrating there  as by the "bombs" that furrow it that and there.

  And yet, here that she is found mistress of the places,  imposing herself by her sensual voice and the relevance of her choices digging in the beautiful and emotional memory of the classical Arabic song, with a special thought for the singer Asmahan of whom the artist holds really the secret of the voice.
    Karima Skalli grew among the notes of the andalousian music and du melhoune, an advantage that had a great impact on her musical choices and that has, especially, forged her artistic personality of the most beautiful manners.

 And the fruit is this big Moroccan voice who dictates her style with certainty and who continues to shine of thousand fires in the Arabic artistic space.

  The singer became, thanks to her artistic force, the regular of big  festivals of music at the international level, festivals as the Festival and Congresses of the Arab Music  to the  opera of Cairo in which she is the annual guest .

  A beautiful good homage to a very high artistic quality. .