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Dedicated To Dedications | tr

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Dedicated To Dedications is an alternative band residing in Worthing, United Kingdom, driven by cello, violin and piano instead of guitar effects and distortion.
After parting with original vocalist Lauren Rebecca, the band was joined by Elizabeth David and took part in the Deep Elm compilation release "The Emo Diaries Chapter 12: I Love You But In The End I Will Destroy You" with the new song Strange Neighborhood.

DTD is:
Elizabeth David - Vocals
Richard Anthony Dunford - Drums, Guitar, Bass, Harp & Glockenspiel
Paul Trigwell - Piano
Mark Jesson - Cello
Nicholas Wood - Violin
Catherine Lindsay - Flute
Ian Radcliffe - Trumpet
Additional lyrical contributions are by Liam Golder and Bella Rose.

DTD's official site with songs: .

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