Decimatus | tr

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Rising from the ashes of Melbourne’s dormant metal scene, Decimatus formed with one intention: to make the music they love that no one else is playing. In early 2010, mixing killer groove riffs with brutal fast pace drums, Decimatus did just that. Writing the music for their self EP 'The Betrayer', Guitarists Mather and Booga, drummer Adam and bassist Andrew didn’t become a complete entity until vocalist Tommy joined the fray in mid 2010. Since then they have literally been decimating the Melbourne metal scene. Shredding stage after stage the boys started recording their first EP towards the end of the year after having played a handful of gigs, travelling to Adelaide in the process. With only time ahead of them, Decimatus have only just begun to shape the face of Melbourne Metal for Australia, the world is next.

Tommy - Vocals
Booga - Guitar
Mather - Guitar
Andrew - Bass
Sav - Drums .

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