Advanced Sportswear | tr

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Advanced Sportswear is Dan Fox, Ashley Marlowe and Nathaniel Mellors. They are based in New York, Brighton (UK) and Amsterdam. Their debut album was recorded and mixed in 2 days in 2008 at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam - a former military building now run as an artists' residency programme.

Advanced Sportswear formed from the group 'Skill 7 Stamina 12', a project with a more explicitly post-punk frame of reference, compared to Fire Engines, Ludus, Gang of Four etc. This dissolved in favour of an increasing use of improvisation and noise as the group aged. There is no particular instrument commitment within Advanced Sportswear and it involves even more improvisation and group vocals. On the first album Dan Fox played guitar, piano and sang, Ashley Marlowe played drumkit, building and sang and Nathaniel Mellors played bass, sang and talked.


ASP 018 'Advanced Sportswear' numbered CD edition in zip-lock bag, available direct from Junior Aspirin Records and via AltVinyl Records, Newcastle

P+C Junior Aspirin Records 2009.