sovietwave | tl

Sovietwave - it is a new direction, occured realy recently in Russia and CIS countries. Music of genre is consists of mellow sounds of electronic instruments, voices of liders, scientists and narrators of the USSR. Melodies of soviet wave are carring us to the time, mot solong ago,when people was
confident in tomorrow. That's a kind of nostalgia about "My fine and distant future"*, and aslo "Bright future"**, that never happened for us(exsoviet people)…

*-"My fine and distant future" is a song from old sviet film about time traveling
**-"Bright future" is a term used by soviet people to dicribe comunistic utopian future that everybody was working for. But for about 30 years it was used in a sarcastic way to tell about things that was planed to do in Soviet Union but which had never done.