i am a party girl here is my soundtrack | tl

This tag has degraded, due to people not knowing how to tag tracks, or albums, that anyone might actually want to hear at a party, & from those who intentionally tag to ruin it. Make your own tag & post in the shoutbox.

For subscribers, at least, two user tag radios worth checking out:
- IanAR's i am a party girl here is my soundtrack or
- scarebear's i am a party girl...

If you don't care for this tag or you don't get it, then the solution is very simple, there are other tags out there for you, just a few clicks away, such as rock, pop, indie and so on...

Be-A-Party-Girl explained-- www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Party-Girl, and "Have a Dance Party" explained www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Dance-Party .

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