'NESMETAL' is Johnathan Godbolt. He was born in the fall of 1982 on October 18th. He currently lives on the east coast of the united states. "I've always loved old Nintendo music," says Johnathan, "and I've always loved the more extreme side of music. As a kid I always listened to more hard rock than anything, as of course what my parents permitted at that young age. Growing up with bands like Petra, and Stryper paved the way nicely for crossing over into the faster, more technical genres of metal, as well as creating an open mind towards the classic/progressive...
Natagpuan 30 mga kanta, tagal: 01:23:21
Steel Gash, The Mountain Fortress
Wellinrowe Nights
On One Condition - Dashande's Theme
Vast New Land
Vicious Intent - The Sorcerer Drennin's Theme
The Breaking Point
Village Over The Valley
Love Prevails
Snowy New York City
The Forger
Mysterious Small Box
Wake Up - Nan's Theme
Here In This Place Again
Whispers From A Distant Land
Ordimary's Toy Shop
Just A Small Test
Veil, The Great Mountain
Where Am I?
Meeting With Lord Kurshaw
Betrayal of a Dying Man
File Select/Title Screen
Reporting To The Master
You Better Stick With Me - Tani's Theme
When All Is Silent
Time Waits For No One
Idaten (Shinobi III)
To War
Victory Fanfare
I'll Take 'Em - Arc's Theme