Tan Sleeve | tl

Fever Sleeves has carved out a definitive niche for themselves in the San Diego music scene. Springing from the fertile loins of the prestigious Black Box Studios of San Diego they have defied and exceeded the expectations of the math rock genre the wider world puts them in. With elements of post-hardcore and indie rock/pop they have delighted their fans and critics. Influenced by bands like No Knife, Q and Not U, Radiohead, and Refused, Fever Sleeves has combined angular guitars, off-beat rhythms, spastic drumming, and floating vocal melodies to create a truly distinctive and original sound. Conceived in 2004...
WiZZARD SLEEVE October 2005 to October 2011 presently plying similar sounds as GARY WRONG (GROUP) releases on Jeth-Row Records and HoZac Records .
Heart On My Sleeve are a new started Screamo band from Stockholm, Sweden, with former members of Followed by 37 seconds of happiness & The Hope & The Failure. And you can definitely hear the sound from their former bands! http://www.myspace.com/heartonmysleevemusic https://heartonmysleeve.bandcamp.com/ .
Plastic Sleeves were Michael Johnson and Jason Sparkman for the first 2 releases (with a couple of the tracks being Michael Johnson solo) but Jason Sparkman is no longer involved at all now. .