Machinery | tl

There are at least three bands with the name Machinery: 1. Machinery was formed in late 2001 by founder/singer Michel Isberg and drummer Johan Westman. After meeting each other on a mutual friends birthday-party and some amount of beer a decision was made. Machinery was to be formed! The first years meant truly hard work for Michel and Johan and numerous members came and went. Because Michel is basically a guitarplayer from childhood years the original idea was to let Michel do The guitars and the hunt for the right vocalist began. After countless auditions no suitable singer was to...
The idea of forming my ”own” band started somewhere in Spring `02. I was helping one of my friend to get his musical career back to its course and I offered him a song I made to the Burning Point ( but I guess that the other guys in BP didn`t share my enthusiasm towards that song so it was kind of “left“ over...). Back then I was in the middle of the Feeding the Flames recording sessions so I kind of “forgot “ the whole thing and the next time I saw my friend he told that they had...
Machinery Hall was a Boston three-piece formed in 1992 when singer/songwriter Mark Nelson was joined by drummer Paul Buhl and bassist David Dunn. Heavily involved in the prospering indie-rock scene of the mid to late '90s, the band released 10 studio albums supported by several local and national tours. Dunn was replaced by Nelson's brother, Michael, in 1995. The band dispersed in 2003 amidst a collapsed deal with Rockbox Records and creative divergence. .