Nuit | tl

The name «Nuit Close» (Closed Night) has been inspired by the work of Louis Calaferte, a deep and amazing writer. His universe is deep, thick and turned to the inside of the man as the atmosphere of a big forest could be, a dark and dwelling forest. Target of the deads, different levels of penetration, thinking bones, murder temple… Musicians are: Le Hibou: guitare acoustique/électrique, e-bow, basse, prog.boîte à rythme, clavier et montage sur md., Trident: Vocal, Flûte traversière, Instrument à vent midi. Contact: .
Formed in 1982, Opéra de Nuit is a French coldwave band belonging to the independent scene from the early 80s, including five musicians, four from Valréas and the fifth from the Drôme department, in southeastern France. Self-taught band bringing a certain kind of will, the Opera wanders from halls to basements, from attics to caves: they multiply concerts in France and elsewhere (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, ...), as well as their interviews and radio broadcasts. Their first EP, Amour Noir, is recorded in 1984. Then, Sourire de l'Ombre was the second EP recorded in 1986. S/T (LP) was set up in...
French new wave is definitly not dead! Here we don’t talk about a music genre but an attitude, a position. From the begining in the 50’s with the “nouvelle vague”, the aim is to find new forms beyond avant-garde and pop-culture to express true emotions, to show the diseases of the modern world and to challenge norms and obsolete social orders (like bourgeoisie, religion, work, art...). French new wave is also a passion for wandering, a general tendency for detachment and it is, of course, the DIY spirit. We can find this kind of nonconformism and this common taste for...
Les Fragments de la Nuit is a blossoming band created in Versailles, Ile-de-France, France in 2005 by Ombeline Chardes (violin) and Michel Villar (piano), score composers for film. In order to play their pieces on stage, they decided to set up a quintet made up of three violins, a cello and a piano. Musique du Crépuscule, their first album released in 2008 on Equilibrium Music, has been greeted with great fervor, and fascinated audiences in festivals such as the prestigious Wave Gotik Treffen, in Leipzig, Germany, or Summer Darkness in Utrecht, Netherlands. With their music, which ranges from tragic to...