Bosque | tl

Bosque Brown is the stage-name of American singer-songwriter Mara Lee Miller of Denton, Texas. The EP "Bosque Brown Plays Mara Lee Miller" was released May 2005. The album, Baby, was released in March 2009. Website: .
There are at least four bands named Bosque: 1) Funeral doom band from Portugal - one-man project of D. Discography: 2005 - Dead Nature (demo) 2006 - Under The Capricorn Sky / Premeditation (split with Senthil) 2009 - Erasure (demo) 2009 - Lotus Circle / Bosque (split ) 2009 - Passage (full length) 2010 - Salvation (demo) 2011 - Bosque / Lord of the Abyss (split) 2013 - Nowhere (full length) Official site: 2) Chilean screamo/post-hardcore band. Releases: 2011 - Demo 2012 - Self-Titled EP 2013 - Historias sobre la distancia. EP 2014 - Retazos EP 3) Jazz-Rock...
Bosques de mi Mente is my solo project. It started by mid 2007 when, for diverse reasons, I decided to create music on my own, to reflect some restlessness and feelings that were in my mind. The idea behind "Toy Trains" was rounding my head for some time. For me, it was an attempt to record on tape the melancholy I felt trying to remember -without much success- my childhood, a happier epoch of which I keep very sparse remnants... .
Bosques is a band formed in Buenos Aires, Argentina around 2009. They are considered and experimental and ambiental act, with shoegaze and noise influences. In 2012 they released their first LP, Eomaia Nam, the continuation of their first EP, Pleroma Sum. Even though they first started as a duo, they've become a three-piece band. They have currently signed with Sadness Discos. .