Die Synthetische Republik | tl

Das Synthetische Mischgewebe Guido Hübner founded Das Synthetische Mischgewebe (aka DSM) in the early 1980's in Berlin. With a loose ensemble of individuals of different disciplines DSM worked in many different forms of artistic expressions ranging from concerts and performances to mixed-media installations with topics in neurology and cognitive science. Works have been presented in most parts of Europe, New York, Montreal and Sao Paulo. However, DSM is mostly recognised for it's musical output, having released numerous cassettes, vinyl records and CD's on labels based in Europe, Japan and the United States. The descriptive keyword for the music is "montage"...
Republik is a solo project consisting of Karl Fernandez. Republik is from Rahway, New Jersey. www.myspace.com/republikmusic .
Republika is a Polish new wave band from the 1980s. The group formed in Toruń, Poland, in 1979 as Res Publica and began playing Jethro Tull-style prog rock. This type of music proved to be unpopular with fans, so the original leader, Jan Castor, quit the band. In 1981, Grzegorz Ciechowski, taking over the as the new head, moved the group's sound from prog rock closer to New Wave and rechristened the band Republika. He did not, however, completely abandon the band's roots; rather, he adapted Ian Anderson's "heavy-metal flute" into a "New-Wave flute" which featured prominently in such early...
Kosova Republike was a dream pop band from Sharon, Vermont, United States. Took part in the compilation "Heavenly Voices Part 2" with the song "Sleep Silent". Official Mypace: http//www.myspace.com/kosovarepublike .