Dietrich Schwanitz | tl

1.Dietrich is an instrumental band from Argentina. They have released several EP's via the argentinian label Sadness Records, showcasing a truly interesting fusion between electronic, space, and experimental post rock. 2.Dietrich is a singer-songwriter based in the Lake District in the UK. His stuff is mostly acoustic alternative-indie with an emotional/miserablist bent. He can be heard jamming in his living room or with his new musical partner Laserboy in the village of Bentham. He has been gently nurtured and encouraged by music guru MrThom of Spaceghost? and Nadelstreifen fame. One of his earliest musical collaberations was with AndrewNigelRich, a veteran...
Dietrich Henschel is a German Bass-Baritone singer, born in 1967. He studied in Munich and in Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's class in Berlin. Henschel is known both for his operatic roles and his concert recitals, particularly of Lieder. He was also a soloist in a number of the concerts which made up John Eliot Gardiner's year-long Bach Pilgrimage in 2000. .
Albert Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (1925-2012) was born in Berlin to Albert, a principal, and Dora, a teacher. He started singing as a child and began formal voice lessons at the age of sixteen. When he was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1943, Fischer-Dieskau had just completed his secondary school studies and one semester at the Berlin Conservatory. He was captured in Italy in 1945 and spent two years as an American prisoner of war. During that time, he sang Lieder in prisoner-of-war camps to the homesick German soldiers. In 1947, he returned to Germany where he launched his professional career as...
Dieterich Buxtehude (Dietrich, Diderich) (c. 1637–9 May 1707) was a German-Danish organist and a highly regarded composer of the Baroque period. His organ works comprise a central part of the standard organ repertoire and are frequently performed at recitals and church services. He wrote in a wide variety of vocal and instrumental idioms, and his style strongly influenced many composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach. Buxtehude, along with Heinrich Schütz, is considered today to be the most important German composer of the mid-Baroque. .
Natagpuan 26 mga kanta, tagal: 02:16:42
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