von Branden | tl

[von Branden] escaped from non-existence due to social disfunction in early 2004. Responsible for this change of beeing are the entities Solarian von Branden and Vestriz von Mesopotamien who created themselves to escape from the chains of continuity. Unnecessarily to know wether there was a before. Only of importance is the fact that [von Branden] had to be created, to be more than the sum of their once only human components. By the admission of Arminius von Theesfeld in August 2005 the circle was closed, the Dynasty [von Branden] was born. .
The band “Brandenburg” was formed in January 2010. It took them less than a year to release three independent records the genre of which can be described as post-punk/new wave. Despite these three records have come in different sound, they share a distinctive style which embraces the dance rhythms with atmospheric guitars and harmonious vocals. The band became a resident of the most popular Moscow clubs, took part in the Afisha Picnic Festival, F5 like fest, Fred Perry Music Night Fest. In 2011 the band released the 4th EP. some more information here: Bandcamp Soundcloud Facebook Myspace Vkontakte Twitter .
Otto Herman Max Brandenburg (4 September 1934 - 1 March 2007) was a Danish musician, singer and actor and film score composer. .