Tenth Dimension | tl

Forbidden Dimension started out in 1988, just as Jackson Phibes's (aka Aleister Hexxx) previous combo, Color Me Psycho, was calling it quits. Thematically, it was (and remains) dedicated to illustrating a world where Coffin Joe and Julian Karswell run a Rest Home for the Terminally Bewildered in the Old Dark House on Spider Baby Hill. After 18+ years of slogging it out on the Western Canada dive bar/punk club circuit and leaving a small trail of cryptic (yet, as they say in the business, "rockin'") recordings with various line-ups, labels, etc., Phibes blindly figures there still ain't no end in...
All individuals in Dimensional Psychosis have already been active for a long period of time in the Dutch metal scene with numerous other bands (since ’95). But yet, they remained unsatisfied, for the infinite inspiration versus limitations in other bands mocked them. Their passion for blast-beats combined with complexity brought them together to create true transcendence. Their genially demented song-structures were created in days and nights of hard work, with severe brain damage as an unavoidable side effect. And now, as psyched as dedicated, these sick fucks from Holland are determined to spread the chaos, one way or another, but...
Natagpuan 185 mga kanta, tagal: 10:04:41
I Am One(1)
Tenth Dimension
Dunya Vinase
All Is Not Lost
No Questions Asked
Vegas Descent
The Burning Darkness
Tenth Dimension
Heroic Conquest
Swarming Forces (No Orchestra)
NS3TEN-004A_06 No Questions Asked Dub Step
Through the Fog
Rise of the Machines
Prophecy (No Orchestra)
Event Horizon
NS3TEN-004A_02 Shoot The Messenger Full Mix
For Justice (WD version)
So Others May Live
Urban Warfare
Between Space And Time
Uncovering The Truth
Trou De Ver
The Taste Of Freedom
Detonation Control Symphonic Mix
NS3TEN-012_01 Becoming Machine
Whereabouts Unknown