Maeckes+Celina | tl

Celina Ree is a Danish Pop-Rock singer. Hvis du googler navnet ”Celina Ree” dukker der intet mindre en 2.310.000 resultater op. Muligvis fører alle links ikke direkte videre til den kulørte sangerinde fra Tølløse, men resultatet giver alligevel et godt billede af den hastigt voksende opmærksomhed, som Celina Ree har oplevet specielt det sidste års tid. Blandt de mange søgninger finder man blandt andet Celina Ree’s egen MySpace side, der dagligt har flere besøgende end sites for etablerede navne som Nephew og L.O.C. Hertil kommer adskillige uofficielle fansites og klubber på netværk-sider som Arto, Facebook og Skum samt fanskabte videofilm...
Maeckes (Markus Winter) is a German rapper and part of Die Orsons. Signed on Chimperator Records. .
There must be at least two artists under this name. One of them was a playmate of 1997. .
Celina González (1928 - 2015) was a Cuban singer and songwriter of musica campesina, traditional music of the Cuban countryside. She is best known for writing Santa Bárbara, one of Celia Cruz's signature songs. Known as the Cuban Queen of Country Music, Celina Gonzalez was born in Jovellanos, Matanzas, Cuba on 16 March 1929. She met Reutilio Dominguez at the age of sixteen in Santiago de Cuba. He became her singing partner and husband resulting in a collaboration that lasted until Reutilio's death in Guantanamo in 1971. In 1948 they began working with the famous Nico Saquito and gained increasing...