Gregorian Chants | tl

Gregorian is a German band headed by Frank Peterson that performs Gregorian chant-inspired versions of modern pop and rock songs. The band features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment. Originally, Gregorian was conceived as a more pop-oriented group in the vein of Enigma. Under this concept, they recorded the 1991 album Sadisfaction, with lead vocals provided by The Sisters of Oz: Susana Espelleta (Peterson's wife at the time) and Birgit Freud. However, this was the only album in that style. In 1998, Peterson and his team Jan-Eric Kohrs, Michael Soltau and Carsten Heusmann re-invented the project to perform popular songs...
I Cantori Gregoriani are a male voice group which exclusively dedicates itself to the study and the spread of Gregorian chant. Consisting entirely of specialists, the ensemble bases its own performances on the research of semiology, that is the study of antique manuscripts dating from the Xth –X1th centuries. The performances of the group are aimed at transmitting, through the actual instruments of the semiology, the expressive force of Gregorian chant, i.e. the correct musical representation of the ancient exegetic tradition of the sacred texts. The founder and director of the group is Fulvio Rampi, professor in Gregorian chant at...
The Nova Schola Gregoriana is a group that has devoted itself to the study of Gregorian chant during the course of the last forty (?) years, basing its work on the research of scholars such as Dom Eugene Cardine, Dom Jean Claires, Luigi Agustoni and of the present artistic director, Alberto Turco. The Schola has won international critical acclaim for its performances, with participation in the festivals of Paris, Avignon, Avila, Cuenca, Como, Pomposa and Arona among others, with concerts throughout Italy, France, Switzerland and Greece, and tours in Japan and the United States of America. The ensemble performed at...