Günter Müller | tl

Other aliases include Florian Voelxen, John Tender, and Marc Monsen. .
After playing in each other's bands, songwriters Jaye Muller and Ben Patton decided to join forces and create this very beautiful 10 song album, "Muller and Patton". Clearly audible in these tracks are the influence of the Beatles, Queen, Brian Wilson, David Bowie, the Zombies and other melodic and arranged pop-rock, but the end result is a genre of their own. Muller and Patton's self titled debut album was released in 2005. On the recording Jaye and Ben play most of the instruments themselves. The music was entirely a joint effort, with Ben penning the lyrics on his own. .
Guenter Schulz, born Günter Schulz, is a German-born guitarist formerly of the band KMFDM. His first credited appearance (as Svetlana Ambrosius, or Svet Am) was on the band's Naïve album (1990). He continued using that stage name until 1995's Nihil. Schulz displayed an impressive mastery of speed metal guitar skills and co-wrote many of KMFDM's songs from the 1990s. He also wrote and performed in various KMFDM side projects, including two albums with Sascha Konietzko's Excessive Force and a solo album by En Esch. He currently resides near Vancouver, British Columbia. In early manifestations of the KMFDM web site, Schulz...
Wegmuller was a mystic, artist and eccentric Gypsy. A sort of Swiss new age hippy. Some of the best artists of the cosmic Krautrock era backed him up on his one album, 'Tarot', which is generally considered a masterpiece of the genre. It pre-dates the releases of The Cosmic Jokers by a year or two; having been recorded before those sessions. A contemporary and friend of Sergius Golowin and visual artist H.R. Giger, he met and hung out with Timothy Leary in the early seventies when Leary was hiding from U.S. authorities. Around this time Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser, head of a...
Hannah Werdmuller (1983-;) is an artist from Berkeley, California, (via Oxford and Edinburgh, UK) who has been writing songs since she was 10 years old. Accompanying herself with guitars, ukuleles, a trio of clones, and whatever else she can get her sticky hands on, Hannah writes songs about death and love and toes and zoo animals, and is confused by the "Music Industry". Hannah Werdmuller was also a singer in Edinburgh hip-hop fusion band Conscious Route 2010-11. http://hannahwerdmuller.com http://www.facebook.com/hannahwerdmuller http://twitter.com/hanjabanja http://soundcloud.com/hannahwerdmuller http://www.myspace.com/hannahwerdmuller .