Trigger | tl

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There are several artists using the name Trigger:

1.) Trigger are a rock band (female fronted) from Serbia. They can be found at They have just released their first studio album called 'Ljubav' (Love).
trig•ger I ['trigÁ(r)] n obarac, oroz; cin koji inicira odredjen splet okolnosti to pull a ~ povuci obarac; to cock a ~ zapeti oroz

trigger II v tr (colloq.) izazvati, pokrenuti, aktivizirati; to ~ a reaction izazvati reakciju

Englesko ime, vise znacenja iste reci. Trigger je imenica, asocijativno takvo tumacenje mozda prvo pada na pamet, ali je Trigger takodje i glagol. I to mocan glagol. Izazvati, pokrenuti, aktivirati - obarac, ne nuzno vatrenog oruzja. Potegnuti okidac u ljudima, psiholoski, Trigger oznacava sve ono sto moze pokrenuti reakciju kako emotivno tako i fizicki. Ono cemu svaki stvaralac tezi, da napravi razliku, da pokrene ljude, da ih dodirne svojim delima i ucini da osecaju i razmisljaju o sebi i onom sto ih okruzuje.

U vremenu iza nas muzika kojoj smo bili izlozeni kao da je na zalost uglavnom povrsno sledila formu, lisena sadrzine i dubine, ili je bila usmerena na to da pobudi i pokrene ono najnize u nama. Oni koji nam je nude misle da je to odraz onoga sto nam je potrebno i sto kao ljudi sustinki jesmo. Da li su u pravu? Za ljude iza imena Trigger, ovo je samo pocetak putovanja, u kom ste pozvani da ucestvujete i dopustite da vas muzika dodirne i izmeni. Svako ima svoj okidac - sta pritiska vas?

2.) Trigger were a Belgian techno act in the early 90's. Its members were Geoffrey McCoy and Dino Majore.

3.) Trigger are a six-piece stadium rock band from Bromsgrove, UK, fronted by a married couple, Dan and Sally Trigger. They were formed in 2003.

4.) Trigger were a five-piece funk rock metal band based in Surrey, UK, who have now changed their name to Space Cake.

5.) Trigger is a parallel project by Roberto Castán, member of Galáctica, and Roberto Paramio, from Lo-Fi, based in León, Spain, letting them a closer approaching to dance-rock and electronic genres. Their official myspace is

6.) Trigger is an experimental free improvisation trio from NYC.

7.) Trigger is a band based in the Reno, NV area.

8.) Trigger are a Grindcore/Thrashcore band from Glauchau, Germany.
" - 4 String Battery Screaming Violence -"
In a dark night, 3 guys (Enrico, Marcel, Kevin) decided to start a noise project with two basses and drums, after short time of practising it became more and more a trash project. A short time later Motte joined the band as a singer. After a while Marcel decided, cause of time problems, to quit the band. In that constillation: Motte, Enrico, Kevin played some shows in their regional scene. After recording an unreleased demo, Motte decided to quit the band, cause of personal reasons. Trigger was looking for a new singer, and found the young singer Berto. In October 2007 they recorded the first studio session, which you can hear on myspace.

9.) The Berlin-based improvising wind trio Trigger (Chris Heenan - contrabass clarinet, Matthias Müller - trombone, Nils Ostendorf - trumpet) was formed in 2009 and works on creating a unitary sound of discrete sonic layers. Through the use of multiphonics, circular breathing, and other extended techniques, Trigger forges a music of gradual depth with sudden shifts in texture and mood. The current direction of the trio is long continuous masses of sound and utilizing site-specific resonances of performance spaces. They release an album on netlabel insubortination, which can be found here =>

10) Trigger is an Old-school Death metal band from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

11) Trigger is a fictional idol unit in Japanese rhythm game, Idolish7. The members are Ten Kujou (CV: Soma Saito), Gaku Yaotome (CV: Wataru Hatano), and Ryunosuke Tsunashi (CV: Takuya Satou). Trigger is a rival unit to Idolish7. .

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