Sunn | tl

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First and foremost, Sunn is NOT the metal band Sunn O))). Note, there is no "O)))" at the end of his name. "Sunn" & "Sunn 0)))" are not the same name and, as you can hear, they are clearly not the same act. Sunn is an American solo artist, who performs a range of musical styles. LastFM -- NOT Sunn -- is at fault for their music being mixed together, here. See the following...

"At the moment, if two artists of the same name exist on they end up inhabiting the same page, so, if you have a more common band name, your page might end up showing albums by other bands with the same name. Right now we can't separate the different bands, but recommend that you use the artist page wiki to differentiate between them for users." -LastFM

Instead of taking your irritations over the mix up out on either act, simply contact LastFM. That would be a win/win for all parties. Thanks. .