Southern Comfort | tl

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There are several bands named Southern Comfort: 1) with Martin Stone and Walter 'Shakey' Horton; 2) with Iain Matthews; 3) with Angela Bermuda

1) Martin Stone recorded a rare album called Southern Comfort with American blues harmonica player Walter β€˜Shakey’ Horton when the legendary Chicago blues harpist visited the UK in 1968. Southern Comfort is a superb showcase for his talents, as well as those of bassist Jerome Arnold (from The Paul Butterfield Blues Band), drummer Jessie C. Lewis (Otis Rush) and trailblazing guitarist Martin Stone (Savoy Brown and Mighty Baby). Though mostly a superb blues set, however, it’s best-known today for the epic closing track - one of the most mind-blowing psychedelic workouts ever recorded.

2) When Iain Matthews split from British folk-rock band Matthews' Southern Comfort in 1971, the rest of the band continued as Southern Comfort. Consisting of Carl Barnwell (guitar, vocals), Ray Duffy (drums), Mark Griffiths (guitar), Gordon Huntley (pedal steel guitar) and Andy Leigh (bass, vocals), they released three albums on the Harvest label: "Frog City" (Harvest SHSP 4012) in 1971, "Southern Comfort" (Harvest SHSP 799) in 1972 and "Stir Don't Shake" (Harvest SHSP 4021) in 1972.

3) New band from Angela Bermuda (Circle Pit / Straight Arrows) and Harriet Hudson (Downtown / Circle Pit) playing timeless songs based around their hypnotic reverb soaked guitar sound and duel angelic vocals. A real Velvet Underground drone rock vibe with a classic rock/country flavour.
