Metaphysics | tl

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1. metaphysics is originally from Zimbabwe, he broke out on the music scene with the Zimbabwean urban Hip hop group a Apice of Ebony, Down to earth Hip hopper now based in Germany.

2. Metaphysics were formed in the oct 2005 and immediately began to compose their own music to which put side by side some covers, just to play around some shows. As the time goes by the covers leaves more and more space to the band compositions which are mostly influenced by the nineties’ Progressive Metal and Rock music. The band seriously tries to create songs that, through the lyrics and music, make people thinking of what they have around and understanding the other’s diversities. February 2008 see the realization of the band’s first autoproduced demo: “Evolution”. Nowadays Metaphysics are engaged with the writing of new material that will be pooled in the band’s first full length for which Metaphysics hope to find a distribution’s label. .