Marc D | tl

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Well, the diminutive Texan with the big hat has been a "mover and shaker" (in the loosest sense of the term I might add) in the underground scene for the longest time, but for those of you that don't do your homework...

In 1984 Mark was inspired by the SF punk scene enough to found the quietly influential punk label Alchemy records... Alchemy as a going concern was to eventually run it's course, but not before Mark had discovered and released albums by no lesser entities than Neurosis, The Melvins (more of which in a moment) and the eternal NOFX favorite R.K.L, among other punk rock luminaries of the era. It was however his production work as the head of the label that paved the way for the next career move as he took over as house soundman for the mighty Melvins.

Through the years 1990 and 1991 Mark took care of the live sound of that most difficult of bands including the legendary Reading performance with Nirvana when the Melvins were called the "worst band ever" by the organizers (rare praise indeed coming from an organization that has booked Shed Seven on more than one occasion!!). It was natural that the band should look close to home when a new bass player was required and so Mr D was finally inducted into the ranks. Across the course of the next half-decade he played bass in what has been arguably the most highly regarded and commercially successful incarnation of the Melvins. Along the way releasing such critically acclaimed albums as Stoner Witch, Stag and Honky and touring with the likes of Kiss, NineInchNails, Primus, White Zombie, Rush, Tool, Nirvana (including Nirvana's last ever gig in Munich). L7, Helmet and the Lollapalooza festival etc etc.

Late 1998 finally saw Mark leave the Melvins to venture out on his own, which brings us nicely along to the current album "The Silent Treatment". Engineered to incredible effect by Joe "Monster Magnet, Kyuss, L7..." Barresi, and performed (drums excepted), produced and written by the man himself, "The Silent Treatment" is truly the sound of a man exploring the sounds within his head. Half ZZ Top-esque southern blues n boogie, half freak beat psychedelia and a good dose of all points in between this is an album that's as impossible to fathom, as it is to leave alone. The scab that must be picked. So don't try to fight it just give in and treat yourself to an hour alone with one of the musical worlds most intriguing eccentric...

taken from

Mark Deutrom supposedly left the melvins because he lived in london and that was too far from california (where both buzz and dale live). He came to know them by producing Ozma and Gluey Porch Treatments, he even released GPT originally on his Alchemy Records label. He wore a cowboy hat alot as you can see from the pictures. He played on Stoner Witch, Prick, Stag, Honky, and Alive at the fucker club. He wrote alot of the material on Stoner Witch and Stag as well. He was in Clown Alley with Lori Black(another former melvins bassist) at one time. Mark Deutrom released a solo album called The Silent Treatment on the label Lunasound recording and did a european tour in support of it. The album was licensed to Teepee in the USA and there was also a single for 5 Skull Bake which was released on Southern Lord. .