s-r-b-i-j-a | th

Serbia is a country in southeastern Europe, which was once part of the Yugoslav federation disintegrated in the wars of the 1990s. This tag was made in response to tags "Srbija","Serbia" and "Serbian". This tag is also not solely reserved for Serbian music, but is open to all Yugoslav republics, which, though divided politically, can not and do not need to be divided in terms of culture, arts, history and everyday life of their people. In a desire for a bright future of this tag, users are encouraged to use it and also to use tags such as B-I-H, H-r-v-a-t-s-k-a, S-l-o-v-e-n-i-a, M-a-k-e-d-o-n-i-j-a, C-r-n-a-g-o-r-a. This kind of tagging is better than tagging as Yugoslavija because it provides exact but connected local scenes.

Other things to check: Novi Talas, Novi Val (New Wave), Nova Srpska Scena (Contemporary semi-comercial scene), Serbian Jazz, Serbian Rock, Serbian electronic, serbian hip-hop, serbian reggae, Serbian punk, serbian alternative, children of communism, serbian techno, serbian electro, serbian disco, serbian dub, serbian classical, serbian hardcore, beograd, belgrade, novi sad, vojvodina. .